Atelier Soldina

Soldiner Str. 92
13359 Berlin

+49 (0)178-6369697


Elena Ilina

Gegründet im April 2007, stellt die Galerie einen minimalen Ausstellungsplatz (ca. 20 qm) als Plattform für künstlerische Raumexperimente jeder Art dar, unabhängig von Medium und einzelnen künstlerischen Positionen und Stilrichtungen. Als Atelier der Malerin und Galeriebetreiberin, Elena Ilina (auch Installationen, Foto und Video) ist die Galerie „sehr loyal“ zu Malerei und sieht sich als Treffpunkt für Meinungsaustausch innerhalb des gesamten Kunstdiskurses.

A little store-front studio with limited exhibition space of 20 qm and with a large window facing the street was established 2007 April and is running by artist Elena Ilina (painting, installation, photography, video). The galery is too young to define a guidline and is not a home for single statements. It positions itself geographically and philosophically as a non-profit showcase, a minimal white-cube for the contemporary artwork slightly outside the center of the city and of the art-market. The energy of the programme is derived from the constant shifts in style, provenance and engagements of artists. It aims to function as a think tank to make contemporary art a daily experience for all. As an artists-run center irrespectiv of medium, but “loyal to painting” with a content-based approach to exhibitions without a need to follow the trends or to make big statements, it offers for young or mid-carreer artists who are under-represented but deeply commited to their practice to participate in general dialogue of the art discours.