Prima Center Berlin

"IN - OUT - ENERGY VIA IN - OUT - IDENTITY" - Naumoski Blagojce - Bane

Naumoski Blagojce - Bane

24.09.2010 ab 20 Uhr

Di. - Fr. 15.00 - 19.00 Uhr
von 24.09.2010 - bis 12.10.2010


The first part of the IN - OUT – ENERGY project addresses directly that what we have within us, (the energy that I describe as “transcendental”) within our own beingness and what is constantly perceived from the outside (the energy that I describe as “protomordial”, and that could be any other energy around us). This represents the transcendentality of our beingness expressed via its energy carrying it in itself and emitting it extrovertly, creating this symbiosis with the protomordiality of the reality, i.e. with its own energy.

The second part of the IN - OUT- IDENTITY project implies the problem of man’s duality, his innate animal and intellectual nature, as well as his global and local dominant regimes.

We have entered a period in which our structures/discourses are confronted with the new conceptual horizons and made it more or less synchronised. We are global, mobile and connected, yet many of our basic points of how we should be organised and how we should function as a society are not realised.

The role in which the artist chooses to arrange politics, globalization, the strive for identity, is enormous - it involves the complex task of thinking forward, anticipating, yet at the same time attracting the attention with the work of art which represents his identity.

The moment every man comes in touch with himself is the moment when perhaps his opinion would be soaked with the spirit of resignation and absolute disbelief in the truthness of the real identity. And perhaps through his involvement in the global courses he will utterly second the truthness of the false identity.

In this manner the relationship between man and his identity is in fact his relationship towards reality, which is reflected right in his inner and outer side, because his identity is in constant positive (and sometimes negative) relationship with the modern courses, towards the local tradition and towards reality.

Naumoski Blagojche - Bane