Prima Center Berlin

"Coded landscapes"

Natasa Milovancev

26.10.2012 ab 20.00 Uhr

Di. - Fr. 15.30 - 19.30 Uhr, nach Vereinbarung: +49 (0)176 99045693
von 26.10.2012 - bis 05.11.2012

Coded landscapes - Natasa Milovancev

Natasa Milovancev with her new cycle of collages and paintings “Coded landscapes” enters in a slightly different artistic sphere where through a given system of sings she transfers an internal feeling that is deeply conditioned by the space around us.
Of course, again her starting point is the establishment of a spatial structure and her strong effect on the human existence, transmitted through the articulation of the collaged surface.
The author through the assembly of the external forms emphasizes the string of the internal, hidden space that has its own dynamics and secret geometry. The liner and rhythmic in the composition accentuates spatial order on the canvases of Milovancev . The paper clips (as the sings of external world) in a indirect way express her internal experience and insight as well as the summary of her personal cognitive and esthetic stance.
Her work, in essence, are transparent paintings that trough their form in the external world are born out of the long internal process of self-experience in the space. In all this, the color and her works has the role of accentuating agent for her poetics of the space, but also of bringing closer to the viewer the state of the feelings, to transfer himher in another direction and finalize the game of assembling.
With this Milovancev once again affirms herself as an explorer of the magic and the beauty of the ratios that originate from the need to understand the existing relations in the immediate surrounding and maybe bring sense and order in the world of events.

M-r Bojana Janeva