Freitag 02.10.2009, 20 Uhr
Di. - Fr. 15.00 - 19.00 Uhr
von 02.10.2009 - bis 15.10.2009
Sensational receptors accept the information with no background and receive it for granted. It is on our backs (as we are judicious creatures) to recognize the quality of the message and decide whether to put it in database as a “file” that could probably, at some point of life, be used as a segment of lifelong experience.
Emotional character of an individual mostly is established by quantity and diversity of the received data…
Extremely peripheral sections of the body are easy to be deluded due to their biological nature to deal with sensual stimulus…
… our emotional data sinks suffer; exposed to all various – even culturally dirty stimulants – with sparkling media of public informing having a great contribution to it…
Likewise at the factory line, needs come after another, and media, with its unique possibilities, provides “the herd” with necessary dose of pap and weakened magnanimousness displayed in full glamour! Awfully apprehensively disposed conventional pressure is present, and not concerned about the consequences, spreads around its unbearable smell through irritatingly labyrinthine channels of a great political ball… during never-ending struggle, a few “KNIGHTS”, armed with efficient weapon (instruments), ascertain temporary solution against the contemporary disease…
“by presenting some specific micro problems, I indicate you, my dear friend, that it is indispensable for you to settle down and get to see the complexity from the distance…”
While speechlessly looking into TV appliance we are accepting, for granted, the complete image of cunningly composed illusion of reality…
Without prejudice we receive the rhythm as very close and easily recognized recreation in the time of afternoon break, not boding that this way we are, by our passive action, helping the wild and destructive power of colorfully pasted TV program…
Directional flow of the action is predictably seen after every new music record, a new “STAR” in urban cognition of “trendy” style, a new movie of national cinematography, a new group exhibition which presents the intersection of happenings on Art scene .