30.03.2012, 19.00 Uhr
Samstag, 31.03.: 14 – 17 Uhr,
Sonntag, 01.04.: 14 – 17 Uhr,
02.04. - 08.04.2012: nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
(Tel.: 0179-8593744)
von 31.03.2012 - bis 08.04.2012
The exhibition Rotation/Circulation/Repetition at Spor Klübü will combine two visually different tendencies in Lindhardt's practice: His works on paper, that are characterised by an interest in system-making and patterns, and his double paintings in crates, which have a more playful quality. However, there are overlaps in both styles of work. Both artworks were created using a set of rules from their starting point. His process starts with a form or a template, and the image comes alive within the form. The image does what it can, but it never breaks free from the confines of the structure. The form is the limitation of the image, but without it, the image would never have existed in the first place.
Foto 1: Untitled (Position/Composition) 2011, 205 x 145 x 35 cm